Eurasian Markets Fund
Track record of consistent risk adjusted returns above market average.
Traditio takes advantage of in-depth market anaylsis from experienced investment professionals along with relationships with Tier 1 developers to allow for high returns and a relatively quick investment cycle
Investment Committee
  • Francisco Almansa
    International lawyer and entrepreneur based in Dubai (UAE), with a professional career spanning 20 years of professional practise in Europe and the Middle East
  • Bernardo Retana
    Multi-sectorial entrepreneur with 26 years of experience in real estate, hospitality, healthcare and finance, establisher of the Otium Group
  • Steve Cadell
    Senior finance and real estate executive with 20 years' experience across Asia, Europe and Middle East, First Abu Dhabi Bank Senior Executive Director
  • José Maria Soto
    CEO and JSDG Investments, a real estate investment corporation involved in real estate deals in Georgia, Azerbaijan, the UAE and other markets through their brand 'Gold Waves'
Successful syndications
of Frontier Market Real Estate Development since 2012
  • 2012
  • 2015
  • 2017
  • 2019
  • 2021
  • 2023
Qualified Investor
Traditio Eurasion Fund is for professional investors only. The fund is domiciled in Luxembourg along with custody of the funds through Citi Bank. If you have any doubts on whether or not you are a qualified and/or professional investor according to CSSF Jurisdiction Regulations, please contact us and a member of our organization will help you understand if you qualify.
Stay Informed
Join the investment team on quarterly reviews of Fund Performance, Market Analysis,
and Macro Real Estate trends
The European Commission’s Sustainable Action Plan has three objectives:
  • 1
    To reorient capital flows towards sustainable investment in order to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth
  • 2
    To manage financial risks stemming from climate change, environmental degradation, and social issues
  • 3
    To foster transparency and long-termism in financial and economic activity
It is a response to recommendations from the high-level expert group on sustainable finance, which were submitted to the Commission in January 2018.

Already, the European Parliament has adopted an amendment to Regulation 2016/1011 to introduce a framework for EU climate transition and EU Paris-aligned benchmarks, an amendment to the Delegated Regulation 2017/565 to integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into investment advice and portfolio management, and an amendment to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2359 to integrate ESG considerations and preferences into the investment advice for insurance-based investment products. It has also prepared a series of related reports, including an EU Taxonomy Regulation, benchmarks, EU green bond standard, and climate-related disclosures.
SFDR which is part of a broader legislative package under the European Commission’s Sustainable Action Plan, came into effect on 10 March 2021. To meet the SFDR disclosure requirements, TRADITIO MANAGEMENT Sàrl identifies, assesses and, where possible and appropriate, seeks to manage sustainability risks for the Partnership as part of its risk management process. TRADITIO MANAGEMENT Sàrl believes that the integration of this risk analysis could help to enhance the long-term value of the portfolio for Investors, in accordance with the investment objective and Investment Policy of the Partnership. However, due to the nature of the investment objective, sustainability risks are not integrated in the investment decisions.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Partnership is not promoting environmental or social characteristics within the meaning of article 8 of SFDR nor has sustainable investment as its objective within the meaning of article 9 of SFDR. For the purposes of Article 6 of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, TRADITIO MANAGEMENT Sàrl confirms that the investments underlying this financial product (i.e. the Partnership) do not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.

As regards disclosures obligations under article 4(1) of SFDR it is confirmed that TRADITIO MANAGEMENT Sàrl does not take into account the negative impacts due to investments - Article 4 (1) (b).
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